Check out this article from I mean, it is Texas, but come on. The Public Defender’s office is clearly not protecting the very people they claim to zealously represent. I guess now it’s up to the ACLU or some generous private attorney willing to take on the system? Clearly this is a systematic way to […]
Vermont Civil Union Does Not Trigger Spousal Privilege In Kentucky
Yesterday, Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Susan Shultz Gibson issued an order in Commonwealth v. Clary, preventing a lesbian couple from invoking marital privilege in a murder trial. The defendant and her partner entered into a civil union in Vermont, though they were never married under any state law. Kentucky law prohibits marriages between people of […]
Full Steam Ahead
Justice Ginsburg announced yesterday that she would continue her service on the United States Supreme Court bench until she could no longer “work full steam.” I hope that her mind stays sharp and body healthy for many years to come. Justice Ginsburg has shown much courage throughout her career as a lawyer and a jurist. […]
Today is September 11, 2013. Twelve years later I am still unable to really talk about my feelings, and the sadness is overwhelming even now. The loss of life and security is terrifying, but so is our loss of freedoms as Americans. I doubt the public even knows the extent of our government’s intrusion. But […]