Mike O’Connell, Jefferson County Attorney, has claimed that it is a “coincidence” that many of his Assistant County Attorneys have filed to run against the very judges he has had problems with in the past. You can read the Courier-Journal article here. It is no coincidence. It is a shameful attempt at revenge by a […]
Women Lawyers Association
I was sworn in today as a member of the 2014 board of the Women Lawyers Association of Jefferson County by Circuit Court Judge Audra Eckerle, and I’m really looking forward to a fun year with some fabulous women! The annual meeting was held today during the lunch hour at The Galt House, and it […]
Wait… This is a Murder Trial?
Last week, a juror in Mississippi was held in contempt of court, fined $100, and jailed for two days after she fell asleep during jury selection and then did not return for the remaining voir dire after the lunch break. I’m not sure what angered the judge the most, but I’ve seen jurors fall asleep […]
Full Steam Ahead
Justice Ginsburg announced yesterday that she would continue her service on the United States Supreme Court bench until she could no longer “work full steam.” I hope that her mind stays sharp and body healthy for many years to come. Justice Ginsburg has shown much courage throughout her career as a lawyer and a jurist. […]