The Supreme Court of the United States handed down a new decision yesterday, Rodriguez v. United States, which is extremely helpful in criminal procedure. In essence, the Court held that a person who has been stopped for a traffic violation cannot be detained for longer than the time necessary for the traffic stop, and absent […]
Vermont Civil Union Does Not Trigger Spousal Privilege In Kentucky
Yesterday, Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Susan Shultz Gibson issued an order in Commonwealth v. Clary, preventing a lesbian couple from invoking marital privilege in a murder trial. The defendant and her partner entered into a civil union in Vermont, though they were never married under any state law. Kentucky law prohibits marriages between people of […]
Full Steam Ahead
Justice Ginsburg announced yesterday that she would continue her service on the United States Supreme Court bench until she could no longer “work full steam.” I hope that her mind stays sharp and body healthy for many years to come. Justice Ginsburg has shown much courage throughout her career as a lawyer and a jurist. […]