The Kentucky Bar Association did the right thing by upholding County Attorney Mike O’Connell’s reprimand for his inappropriate ex parte communications with District Court judges. This is merely another example of O’Connell’s complete abuse of power, and he needs to be stopped.
O’Connell seems to feel invincible and flouts basic ethical practices while wielding his sword of power against those unable to defend themselves. The recent articles about how he has essentially forced his (underpaid) employees to donate 2% of their salaries to his campaign is one of the most disturbing instances of tyranny in local politics.
It is time for a change in the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office. Karen Faulkner is the person who will bring about the change this community so desperately needs. She is an excellent attorney, compassionate person, and is actively involved in the community she is seeking to serve. Most importantly, Karen truly believes in justice, and not “one-size-fits-all” justice. She will serve our community with the honor and dignity fitting for public office, and will work to make our community a better place to live. Please vote for her on May 20th, and show that our community will not tolerate the corruption and tyranny of the current administration.
You can read a Courier-Journal article about this here.
Tags: County Attorney District Court Election Ex Parte Jefferson County Attorney Justice Karen Faulkner Mike O'Connell Reprimand Vote