Show your support for Karen Faulkner for Jefferson County Attorney… please remember to vote in the primary on May 20th!!! Please check out the campaign website here, and sign up to help in any way you can!
“Our Credibility Is Important”
“Our credibility is important,” said Police Chief Steve Conrad about the Louisville Metro Police Department, referring to a new policy which penalizes (up to and including termination) officers who are found to be untruthful. That’s right, folks, LMPD is just now starting to address law enforcement personnel who lie. It is shocking that a police […]
State-Sanctioned Murder
Texas and other states which employ capital punishment are struggling to obtain the drugs needed for lethal injections. Progressive (and benevolent) European-based drug manufacturers have banned U.S. prisons from using their drugs in executions, a move that should be applauded. Death penalty states are now experimenting with new drug cocktails for the state-sanctioned murders, with […]
Refusing to Cooperate
It is not unusual for people to refuse to cooperate with police investigations of criminal activity; even crime victims sometimes don’t want to talk to law enforcement. This story out of Seattle gives a whole new meaning to refusing to cooperate with an investigation…
Wait… This is a Murder Trial?
Last week, a juror in Mississippi was held in contempt of court, fined $100, and jailed for two days after she fell asleep during jury selection and then did not return for the remaining voir dire after the lunch break. I’m not sure what angered the judge the most, but I’ve seen jurors fall asleep […]
Guns & Domestic Violence
Domestic violence situations can be dangerous not just for the victim of the attack. This article discusses attacks on law enforcement who respond to these calls. The story of a Kentucky sheriff who was murdered 40 years after he arrested someone following a domestic incident is incredibly disturbing, and close to home. The federal government […]
Vermont Civil Union Does Not Trigger Spousal Privilege In Kentucky
Yesterday, Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Susan Shultz Gibson issued an order in Commonwealth v. Clary, preventing a lesbian couple from invoking marital privilege in a murder trial. The defendant and her partner entered into a civil union in Vermont, though they were never married under any state law. Kentucky law prohibits marriages between people of […]
Make the Music Stop
A South Carolina woman is being held in the Charleston County Jail after repeatedly stabbing her roommate when he wouldn’t stop playing music by The Eagles. Earlier this year, a woman choked her boyfriend because he sang the “Thrift Shop” song over and over. I love The Eagles (just saw them at the Yum Center a few months […]
Jefferson County Commonwealth’s Attorney Tom Wine says his goal is “fairness.” Apparently, that means the Commonwealth will pursue the death penalty against everyone who is eligible, whether they are “two young men in the East End playing poker, or two young men in the West End playing dice.” It’s great news that our chief prosecutor is willing […]
Full Steam Ahead
Justice Ginsburg announced yesterday that she would continue her service on the United States Supreme Court bench until she could no longer “work full steam.” I hope that her mind stays sharp and body healthy for many years to come. Justice Ginsburg has shown much courage throughout her career as a lawyer and a jurist. […]